
Best Vietnamese foods in town

  • (#1 Pho & Brew ) 1300 S. Euclid, Ste A, Anaheim, CA 92802 - (Signature #1 Pho & Grill) 9200 Bolsa Ave. Ste 307, Westminser 92802
  • 714 833 5916
about us
Best Vietnamese Food Wondeful Eating
Our Menu
Some of Delicious Pho
Special Pho
$ 14.99
Phở Đặc Biệt
Combo Pho
$ 13.99
Phở Combo
Rare Steak Pho
$ 13.99
Phở Tái
Brisket Pho
$ 13.99
Phở Chín
Filet Mignon Pho
$ 16.99
Phở Filet Mignon Pho
Rib-Bone Pho
$ 16.99
Phở Sườn
Our Foods
Some of The Best Vietnamese Foods

At #1 Pho & Brew you can find some of the best Vietnamese food s in town at affordable price

Skilled Chefs

Our chefs have prefected the arts of Vietnamese food cooking and put their hearts into every dish that we serve

Fresh Product

We choose the best locally sourced products to make our foods

Healthy Vietnamese Cuisine

Vietnamese food is not only delicious, but it's also very healthy. It is low in fat, gluten-free and jam-packed with vitamins and minerals, which makes it the perfect food to boost your immune system while helping with weight loss and providing energy

Quality food & Service
Great foods and Great Service